Thursday, July 11, 2013


we draw lines, here and there
with our mind's eye, far and wide
your fingers feel warm
your hands are soft
but I don't notice these things
when we reach and touch
each other
continue into the surface, the seconds and the stars
as seamless as the universe
intended us to be
here and there
far and wide

this hand that you held
is the seed of other seeds
ones that ripened tens of years ago
yes, it may be that
my seed was never sown
into the earth, as intended
yet this once brittle seed of mine
survived wintertime
bracing and holding
lying still, here and there
patient passing, far and wide

a truth: I never understood
how to draw lines, of the real kind
jagged, sharp, thick
across to break, form negatives
collapse throbs, an echo through
when love must dry from the well
that we built with these bare hands
an end that was made
because this no-more
I could stand longer
scarcely more, than the other no-mores
a distant flickering light
you and me
here and there
far and wide

some days I wish for
solitude's escape
from the burden of the cold
as I inherit spring
remaining on the ground
a choice: should I loosen
to bear
piercing sun overhead? or
to receive
food from the watershed?

these cracks branched on my shell
are lines that belong, drawn
here and there, far and wide
now I see, you and me
continue in the wisdom
of choosing to exist


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