Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Experiment

Last night during my 2012 New Year's celebration with beautiful friends, old and new, I used the phrase "broken wide open" to describe 2011. I've heard the phrase before; I'm nearly certain in relation to a Buddhist idea about insight and transformation. Whatever its origin it was exactly the right way to describe this past year, with emphasis on the "wide open" part. 2011 was a tremendous year. It was full of transitions: from school to work, from living with my partner to living alone, from struggling with old patterns to creating new ones. I earned recognition and had a person close to me murdered; I've come to know tremendous freedom within my relationships and I dealt with violence against, and within my family. It was a well-lived year, in which one of the questions I've consistently asked of myself is how honest can you be? To help myself continuing asking this question I thought to share this experience, as I did in Metaminute about my two-year exploration on a reflective spiritual plane. This is the "Broken Wide Open" experiment. We'll see how this goes!