Thursday, April 19, 2012

15 Questions

Lately I've become very aware of the absence of my intentional (Buddhist) practice these past several months.

The reasons are probably varied: other meditative practices in my life at the moment; a subconscious aversion to things that I'll uncover by making myself vulnerable in that way; changes in my past practice supports; general  post-school life re-calibrations. Whatever the sources, I have at least a vague intention to assess whether my mind's story that my focus is "embodying the practice" is more of a truth or more of a lie.

I created a 15-question "self-interview" to examine this further, using the Eightfold Path as my guiding principles. My intention is to ask each question--inspired by conscious areas of my practice for sometime--& "sit" with it to notice my immediate impulse.

Hope to share more on the outcome soon.

Right View
When I am suffering, do I feel myself suffering? When my suffering is absent, do I feel its absence? When I am comfortable, do I feel comfort?

Am I holding on to anything, at the moment, for the sole reason that it feels safe?

Right Intention
Am I aware of any experiences that I have avoided recently?

Today, am I attached to the idea that life will get better than it is?

Right Speech
Am I regularly using harsh speech  in my head toward myself or others?

Have I neglected to say something that was necessary to share?

Right Action
Am I avoiding the destruction of all life?

Am I cultivating compassion toward a person to whom I felt neutral or hostile toward a year ago?

Right Livelihood
Is the amount of overall working time in my life allow myself sufficient balance to sustain me?

Am I dedicating enough mindfulness in my interactions and relationships with my co-workers?

Right Effort
Am I bringing intentionality to my dharma practice on a daily basis?

Am I dedicating time each week to cultivate aspects or experiences that make me feel whole?

Right Mindfulness
Am I able to stay immersed in a meditative state for a longer time than I could six months ago?

How have I treated my body today?

Right Concentration
As I engage in mindfulness practice to still my mind, what do I experience when I observe at its window's edge?